Saturday, October 13, 2007

it's been forever

It's been a long time since I last posted, at least on this blog. I know, what's the point of a blog if you're only going to post like, once a month? I have to rely on my fail-safe excuse (baby), but this time it's for real. E spent the better part of September refusing to go to bed at night. At first we chalked it up to disruption from all the travel. But as the weeks passed, things got worse and worse. Finally, I had to do the unthinkable. I can't even believe that I'm telling people this, but I let her cry it out. In my own defense, we really did try a number of other options, before resigning ourselves to CIO, and the method that we ended up using (Sleepeasy Solution) was supposed to be more "gentle" than the Ferber and Weissbluth varieties. Still, I think I probably cried just as much as E did, especially the first night. But I have to admit that for the most part, it worked. I'm still not entirely sold on it since I still feel like it's mean, but I guess results don't lie. After implementing this new system for almost two weeks now (which also includes a more scheduled day and regular naps), I can really see a difference. E is definitely more well-rested and is starting to move forward developmentally too -- crawling!

OK, I'm digressing into baby fever. Long story short, baby is sleeping more, parents are sleeping more, it's a good thing. And if you've been keeping up at all with my other blog, then you'll realize just how well-rested I've been.

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