Friday, October 19, 2007


I have a confession to make. Both T & I are obsessed with the McDonald's Monopoly game that is going on right now. In fact, I'm too embarassed to admit how many times we've eaten Mickey D's since the game started a couple weeks ago. Let's just say, way more than is healthy. Which leads me to the title above. I feel disgusting. I think I've totally OD'd on McDonalds. I actually hadn't been eating fast food at all lately, and now every time I drive past McDonalds when I'm even a little bit hungry, I think, hey maybe I should see if I can get some more pieces. It's a sickness, in more ways than one. The saddest part of all this is that while both T & I are equally fixated, we've never really gone there and eaten it together. We've both been stealthily hitting the drive-thru on our own during the course of the day. And we only discovered this when we both coughed up the treasure trove of pieces that had been hiding in our respective cars. I know, we're sad.

However, I will say that yesterday, for the first time ever in my entire life, I won something! And no, not a small fries or a $1 coupon at Toys R Us like a million other people already have won. I peeled the two pieces off my McMuffin yesterday morning and found both Baltic and Mediterranean Aves., which is worth $50! I think that might almost cover how much I've spent eating there. Once I fill out all the requisite paperwork and mail it in, I think I can expect my check sometime around February. I'm only sort of kidding.

So my winning has actually only exacerbated the obsession since now that we've one something, we really want to win more. After I emailed T that I won, he felt compelled to hit McD's for lunch, certain that he could outdo my paltry $50 (yes, we also have a somewhat unhealthy competitive aspect in our marriage). And I had to try again today, thinking that maybe I could have a lucky streak. I even got a Big Mac meal, even though I never eat Big Macs, because the sandwich box has pieces on it, and I supersized it for the extra pieces on the fries. Yes, insert comment about my sanity (or lack thereof) here.

I think today's value meal did me in. The Big Mac was okay, mostly because I don't think I've eaten one in years, but I couldn't even bring myself to finish the fries. And then later, the smell of the stale fries in my car just about made me sick. I don't even care that there's still 10 days left, I'm done. Screw this game.

Net winnings (in descending order of value):
$50 cash
$10 in Toys R Us "bux"
(2) 20% Off coupons at Foot Locker
(2) coupons for free small coffee/soft drink
Coupon for free small fries
Coupon for free small McFlurry
50 points added to my cholesterol
1 bad case of indigestion
A lot of general disgust with my own behavior

ETA: I forgot to mention that I AM still playing the online game, which thankfully, only requires me to enter the codes on the already collected gamepieces. They only let you enter ten per day, so I have a good stockpile to keep me going for a while. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for one of the fat AmEx prepaid cards. I could really use a new iPod.

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