Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sad day

I've been on Netflix since 2001 and always loved it and, never even considered switching to Blockbuster. But recently, I've had to face the sad truth that since we had the baby, we really haven't been watching our Netflix in any kind of timely manner. In fact, I think from the beginning of March up to July, we watched all of one movie, and even since then, we've only made it through maybe a half dozen or so. In fact, T's been after me for a while now about cancelling it outright and I kept refusing, but this week, I finally owned up to the fact that we're not exactly getting our money's worth.

Netflix did get a last minute reprieve though when Mee suggested something I hadn't even thought of: downgrading. Duh. I don't know why that didn't even occur to me. So I downgraded our Netflix account to just 1-at-a-time today. I'm still really kind of bummed out about it.

Anyways, just for giggles, I thought I'd list the movies we've had in the last 8 months:

Hot Fuzz - returned 10/30/07
Watched this just the other night. I thought it was really funny. Love Simon Pegg.
Knocked Up - returned 10/22/07
Saw this in the theater, but wanted to see it again
300 -returned 10/10/07
Also saw this in the theater (our first outing after E was born)
Stranger than Fiction - returned 09/20/07
Never made it through this one. T kept falling asleep and I couldn't stay interested so I sent it back half-watched.
Casino Royale - returned 09/20/07
Decent, but not spectacular. In fact, kind of disappointing after all the hype about being the 'best Bond yet.'
Smokin' Aces - returned 07/26/07
Meh. T was initially really excited for this one. We thought it would be a kind of fun, cheesy action flick, a la Crank. There was a lot of build-up, but it never quite paid off.
Babel - returned 07/19/07
Never watched it. It sat in our house for probably close to 6 months and we were just never in the mood to watch something so serious.
Battlestar Galactica: Season 1: Disc 3 (5-Disc Series) - returned 07/19/07
Another one that I had in the house for at least 6 months. I was really into the first two discs, and watched the first episode on this disc. But then I got busy and by the time I got back to it, I couldn't really remember what was going on. I may try again at a later date since I'm kind of a sci-fi nerd.
Children of Men - returned 07/19/07
Troy watched this back in March or April, but I only got through the first half hour before baby duties called and I never made it back. Then it sat around for a few months before I finally gave up. I've only heard good things though, so I'll probably rent it again down the road.
Accepted - returned 04/04/07
Very silly, but it was the perfect thing for us to watch when we were too exhausted to focus on anything else. I kind of have an odd affinity for Justin Long.

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