Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Ever since T & I went to California this summer and played my cousin's Wii, we've been dying to get one. I was severely tempted to run out and buy one immediately after we got home, but T put the kibosh on that. Not that he didn't want one, but he just thought we should wait till Christmas. Christmas!! Which was at that point, almost 6 months away! I worked on him a bit, and he conceded that by Christmastime, they might be too hard to find, so we agreed that I would start looking around Halloween.

Inexplicably, last week, T and I were out running errands, and he announces that he thinks we should buy a Wii. Like right now. (I did find out later that there was much discussion about buying and playing Wii's on the message board T is on with his college buddies, so I'm assuming that fueled the sudden change of heart) In any case, I was excited to get the go-ahead to start searching for one.

Well, as it turns out, this is about the time that everyone else in Dallas has also decided to start their Christmas Wii search too. Seriously, these goddamn things are hard to find. I randomly stopped by at least 5-6 places last week (not exactly easy with a baby in tow), and they all looked at me like I was nutso when I asked if they had any. One guy laughed at me. Seriously, like, a 'you've got to be kidding' laugh. A few places gave me a heads up on new shipments coming in this week, so of course the nerd in me compiled a long list of every store in a 5 mile radius that might carry them. Long story short, I got one yesterday! When I called, the guy said the UPS man was walking in with them right now. He had three on his cart and there were two people already there waiting. Luckily, I was already out and about and managed to get over there pretty quickly (again, with an unhappy baby in tow -- am I a bad mommy?), and snag the last one. woohoo!

Of course, as soon as we got the baby to bed, we had to break it in. So far, T has topped me in golf and tennis (although it turned out I had an unfair disadvantage since the sensor was wonky and caused my Mii to not respond properly), but I edged him out in bowling and kicked his ass in baseball and boxing.

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