Thursday, October 18, 2007

a new topic?

I know that there are tons of other people out there who do this, but I'm thinking about adding a food aspect to my blog. The only question is whether or not it'd be better served to be on here or the crafty one. I'm thinking that it'd probably mostly be a "what's for dinner" type of thing. I think the shame and embarrassment factor of having to admit we're eating a bucket of KFC or frozen chicken pucks will be good motivation to cook more and cook healthy. Also, I was recently inspired by a friend's cooking blog:

Lately I've been thinking a lot (again) about how much I'd love to pursue the whole food stylist/photography thing. But I feel so far removed and out of the game. I'm thinking that maybe spending more time cooking and taking pictures of food might help alleviate some of that.

So first up will be tonight's dinner, which is Chicken Stew.

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