Monday, October 15, 2007

summer's end

Yes, it's October, but here in Texas, summer is only just now finally coming to an end. And thank freaking god because I am so sick of 90+ degree weather. But alas, with the end of summer also comes the end of much of the delightfully craptacular summer reality television spectacles. Again, I know I'm a little late with this post (see the previous post for an explanation), but I still wanted to get my two cents in.

First up, Top Chef. Man, this is easily one of the best reality competitions out there. Forget Hell's Kitchen or Design Star or any of that other garbage. This show rocks. My only complaint is the blatant product placement. I think there should be a drinking game where you drink every time they mention the "Glad Family of Products." Or then again, maybe not. You'd probably have alcohol poisoning by the end of the show. Anyways, I'm really glad that Hung won. I know, he came across as kind of a dick, but hey guess what? A lot of real-life chefs are dicks, especially the good ones. I'm just happy to see an Asian brother win for a change. Hung almost makes up for the embarassment of Aaron, from Hell's Kitchen. That guy made me embarassed to be Asian. On a side note, Anthony Bourdain's blog for the show is fantastic. I would say that 90% of the time, he voiced everything I was thinking as I watched the show.

What else? Oh yeah, Rock of Love. After the first few episodes, I sorta lost interest. I mean, I can only watch so many hours of skanky white trash rocker chicks scheming and getting drunk. Meh. I still managed to watch a smattering of most episodes since it was on all the freaking time. Highlights? Crazy red-haired chick turns out to be a trustafarian. Stripper chick gets "Bret" tattoed on the back of her neck. Other stripper chick blows chunks at the dinner table and then tells Bret she loves him as she's puking into a toilet. Classy. The big finale comes down to (as usual) the crazy and/or skanky chick and the nice girl. And just like in the two seasons of Flavor of Love that preceded it, the guy chooses the nice girl, and they break up before the reunion show airs. Whatevs.

I'm just counting down to the new season of Project Runway.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The Vegas and Meet the Parents episodes of Rock of Love were two of the funniest things I've ever seen. I had high hopes for the reunion, but it was beyond lame.
Are you watching America's Most Smartest Model? It's excellent. Last night they played Jeopardy to win stuff for a photoshoot, including clothing and makeup. One team only won western wear and fishnet stockings, while another won body paint and a bed. Hilarious.