HUMAN hair? If you could see me now, you'd know that I am shivering in disgust. Don't get me wrong, I liked Chris a lot and was really rooting for him to make it into the top 3. In fact, I was a little surprised that he didn't win Fan Favorite. But his collection....I can only sadly shake my head. From what I saw in Entertainment Weekly last week, I was already a little nervous by how "Goth girl" it looked. Although, I will say that it looked better on last night's show than I thought. But overall, I think Rami deserved his win.
Now I'm just annoyed that I have to wait yet another week for the actual finale! How much longer can they drag this thing out?! I think it's probably going to be a dead heat between Rami and Christian.
I have to applaud Bravo for luring me in with their evil programming tactics. I hate that they sneak in a reunion show the week BEFORE the finale! It drives me absolutely nuts. I mean, first off, reunion shows are usually lame. And everything has usually already been decided and done, so they're super anti-climactic, so I don't usually make it a point to watch them.
But now that I'm all juiced up for the big finale of Project Runway, OF COURSE I'm going to freaking watch their lame reunion show!Unsurprisingly, it provided little to no new insight into the show. Yes, some of the behind the scenes/outtakes stuff was funny: I liked that Michael Kors couldn't stop laughing at the WWE Divas, although it does make me wonder if any of them were waiting by his car to pummel him afterwards. I also enjoyed the contestants' impersonations of Heidi.
But overall, the whole show was edited in such a strange manner! Like, when Carmen got all upset at being singled out for her crappy menswear outfit and was like, "Thanks, Heidi!" I kinda wished that they would've shown if Heidi or anyone else responded, or at least rolled their eyes, because come on, it really was crap.
And what would the reunion show have been without a montage of Ricky crying? I only wonder why they didn't ask him more about the ugly hats. Because seriously, I really want to know, what is the deal? I mean, Christian's hair is crazy, but I can kinda dig it in a way. It's like his quirky thing. And it doesn't really look bad, just different. The hats though....bleh.
I will also say that at least they had Heidi and Tim hosting instead of that lame tool that hosts the other Bravo reunion shows. I don't know his name, but if you know who I'm talking about, then you'll also know that he sucks.
So going into next week's finale, I think the front-runners are Christian and Rami. A minor spoiler here, but Entertainment Weekly published some pictures from their Fashion Week shows (and I'm sure there's pics all over the internet too) and I'd say those looked like the two strongest collections.
It made me sad to see that they made poor Sweet P do one too, ostensibly to avoid spoiling who the top 3 or 4 finalists were at the time. Her collection actually wasn't bad, but it seems like it'd be really sucky to have to do all that work while knowing that you have no shot at winning. At least she got to show in Bryant Park though. I guess that's something.
A week or two ago, I walked in on T while he was watching Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny on HBO. I made fun of him for his lame taste in movies, but I have to admit, I've caught it on cable a few times since, and it's really grown on me. It's funny, in a dumb way. But for the past 3-4 days now, I've had the song from the climactic finale stuck in my head on an endless loop. So I thought I'd share my pain.
This is what T and I said to each other the other night after watching that new dance show on MTV. The one with the long name somehow involving Randy Jackson (even though he didn't even appear on the show). America's Most Bestest Top Dancers or something like that.
Anyways, the premise is fairly straightforward: they held auditions around the country and chose a dance crew to represent various cities and now they're battling it out for a cash prize. Sort of like You Got Served but without bothering to insert the lame plotline to hold it together. It was actually relatively enjoyable, but at one point, we realized that we not watched MTV in months, if not years, and therefore had no idea what half the commercials were about. We saw a commercial for a new dating show with some Italian dude (who had the fakest accent I've ever heard) called "That's Amore." It looked so god-awful. And the whole time, we were like, who the !&#@ is this guy?! But the true crystallizing moment was when they announced the musical guest: Flow Rider(?) singing his hit(?) single "Low" (??!!!). I have never heard of him, or that song. Yeah, we're old and lame.
But the show itself was fairly entertaining, even if it was a little unnecessarily drawn out. I mean, why bother separating people into brackets and then declare one safe in each bracket safe when ultimately, everyone except for one team is going on to the next round? And some of the crews were just sooooo lame (yeah, I'm talking to you "Femme 5").
Oh, one other major annoyance that I have to point out: Shane Sparks says "y'all" in pretty much every sentence that comes out of his mouth. Seriously. If there were a drinking game for this, you'd be in the hospital with alcohol poisoning after the first 20 minutes. I'm telling the truth y'all.
All you Project Runway fans know what I'm talking about. It's about freaking time!!
Even besides the ugly hats, and the incessant weeping at the drop of a hat, Ricky's designs were just never that good, and his execution through the first half of the show were horrendous! I can't believe he outlasted Kit. Blech.
So now, I'd say I'm rooting for Sweet P, even though she's clearly in over her head, and Christian, who is annoying but entertaining, and not to mention, pretty damn talented. Although I also really like Chris, and was happy to see him score a win.
I'm also starting to get excited for the new season of Top Chef! Woohoo!
I'm a "former" lot of things (including web designer and aspiring pastry chef), now SAHM. I don't have a lot of time or energy for much else besides the kid, but with what little time I do have, I've become obsessively crafty. Most recently, I've been trying to parlay my photography skills into a business, and I have also been experimenting with vegan and gluten-free baking. I am also a self-confessed TV junkie.