Friday, August 17, 2007

dance fever...actually, more like the dance sniffles

The final ultimate farewell finale of So You Think You Can Dance was on last night and again, I can't say it was all that spectacular or exciting. In fact, this season as a whole was really kind of lackluster. Yes, yes, there were lots of this season's "favorite" numbers (more on that later). But there was also soooooo much ridiculous filler. I audibly groaned when I first turned the show on and realized that it another TWO HOUR droolfest.

dancing queen So, first things first. Despite my prediction from the other night, Sabra came away the big winner. I was pretty surprised since she kinda had a weak showing on Wednesday, although again, I think it was not so much that she performed poorly and more that she fell victim to bad luck and bad choreography. More surprising to me though was that Lacey was the first one out. I really thought that she would be in the final two, along with either Sabra or Danny. Neil didn't really have a chance, in my opinion. He's got 12-year-old girl appeal, but that's about it. He oddly reminds me of Travis from last year, if only for the fact that he's short and got kind of spikey blond hair.

Last night's perfomances fell into three categories. Off the top of my head, in the "Oooohhh" category: Lacey & Danny's samba, Jesus & Sara's weird bag-lady routine, and Neil & Sabra's 'table' dance. In the "Meh" category: Pasha & Lauren's Skeleton dance (OK, so the entrance is cool, but it is otherwise only an okay routine), Jamie and Hok's bird thingy (what is it with Wade and his routines involving animals?), Neil and Lacey's Mia routine with the flowers (the one that made everyone all weepy), Sabra & Dominic's slow hip hop routine (where Shane ripped off his own routine from last year), Pasha & Sara's west coast swing, the Matrix-y group number (which I probably would've liked better if it didn't feature Lauren). And last, but not least the "Bah" category: the Lion King group routine, Neil & Sara's disco, Danny & Anya's fox trot (Anya kind of irks me).

I'm realizing as I write this that a lot of the dances fell into the Meh category. I don't know if that's just because they really were unspectacular, or if it has more to do with my overall lukewarm feelings toward the show this year. Last year's show just seemed to have more really memorable, show-stopping numbers that I was excited to see again. This year....not so much.

Other random thoughts: Cat's dress was especially heinous last night. Just because you're 8-feet tall does not mean you can wear all sorts of ruffly nonsense and pass it off as fashion. I did think it was cool that they brought back that awesome clogger guy and gave him a chance to perform on his own, as well as that little guy in the hat who popped. Also, the whole "Cat and Nigel dancing" joke was really really dumb. Not that I was dying to see it, but it was dumb to build it up and then have the payoff be a silly little web cartoon. Bah.

That about wraps it up. One last complaint. They announced the winner about 5 seconds before the show ended and then rolled credits. It would have been nice if they could've showed a little more of the happy celebration. I mean, I think they could've sacrificed 10 seconds out of the endless montages (or maybe even the whole Ryan Cabrera "I Will Remember" performance...yeesh).


Unknown said...

I'm kind of pissed that I missed the return of the totally awesome clogger. If it were up to me, he would have won. I could watch that guy forever!
I won't miss anything Mary Murphy related. Her outfits this season were heinous. I'm nearly positive that she's drunk when she gets dressed.

Anonymous said...

I was saddened they didn't bring back the one armed dancer or the girl who was in the Israeli building implosion. Those plucky dancers really tug at my heart strings.