We were talking about the new Indiana Jones movie coming out in a few weeks, and specifically, how we're both pretty excited to see it, even though it's been 10 years since the last one. There was a minor discussion on which of the first three we'd seen more, etc., and then T ended it with, "I don't care if it's 2 hours of Indiana Jones drinking coffee, I'd still pay $10 to see it." I laughed at this for a solid 5 minutes, with the occasional giggle returning every few minutes for a while after.
There was also some discussion about the X-Files movie coming out this summer, to which we had pretty much the opposite feelings about. I mean, come on. Is anyone but the most die-hard fanboy nerds actually excited for this? It's not like David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson's careers have taken off like rockets since the last one came out. Anyways, so T & I are both going on about this (although I don't know why, since we're both in total agreement with one another) and then T goes, "What's next, '227 - the Movie'? I hear Jackee is looking for work."
Ok, both of these little tidbits may not be anything more than mildly amusing to anyone but me, but then there was this exchange this morning, over email, which started with his throwaway line at the end:
T: 227 - The Movie. Think about it! It could be awesome. Me: I'd rather think about Indiana Jones and the Steaming Cup of Coffee... T:
-- close up on Indiana Jones' face --
Indy: (tired voice, deathly serious) "I'd need some joe."
-- cut to show barrista --
Middle eastern cryptic looking guy working at Starbucks: (slight accent, wearing a turban) "Vente?"
Indy: "Yeah, that's right, vente." (focus on Indy's chin scar, Indy rubs it while reminiscing of past coffee drinking)
---cut to slow pan out: Indy reading Wall Street Journal in dusty leather jacket and hat, whip attached to belt --
Barrista: "Indiana!"
Indy: (goes to counter to fetch coffee, walks as if very sore all over, gravelly voice) "Yeah, that's right.....thanks." (tips $2 in "karma" mug with rainbows on the side)
-- fade to black --
-- Screen is black. Very slow pan out. We realize that the "black screen" is actually one of the darkened spaces on Jones' NY Times crossword. As we pan out, some scone crumbs fall onto the paper out of the corner of his mouth.
Indy: (to himself, mumbling) "Flightless bird....three letters....is it 'emu'?"
-- (this continues for 90 minutes) --
Worldwide gross: 800 million dollars
OK, someone tell me that wasn't funny!
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