Monday, December 17, 2007

I am a cold weather wuss

It's amazing how, despite the fact that I grew up in Chicago, I acclimated very very quickly to the temperate Texas winters. So much so, that all of last week, as I tried to pack and get ready for our trip to the Midwest to spend the holidays with family, I was pretty much terrified by the weather forecasts. It gets really hard to remember what 20 degrees feel like, especially when just a couple weeks ago, we had a few days in the high 70s.

Well, I made it here, safe and sound and all I can say fears were totally justified. As my mom was driving us from the airport back to her house, she said something like, "oh, you're really lucky because it's actually not that cold today. It's actually 30 degrees." I started laughing as I thought about how cold Dallas has felt lately at 40 degrees, and that's when I realized how wussified I had really become. When we lived in Austin, I used laugh at all the people who were bundled up in hats and scarves when it hit 50 degrees. I won't say I'm quite that bad, but I'm probably not far off.

Needless to say, I am completely lacking in enough warm clothing, and E is only slightly better off. Yesterday, I made a run to Target and probably looked like a crazy person as I loaded my cart up with long sleeve onesies, sweaters, and hats and scarves. Oddly enough though, they had a ton to choose from, much more than what I've seen in Dallas lately.

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