Thursday, November 15, 2007


Project Runway is back! Yay! I've been waiting and waiting for it to start up again, and then of course, last night, I almost forgot that it was on! All I can say is thank god for tivo! We managed to start from the beginning around 20 after, and had totally caught up by the end. Looks like it's going to be a good season. Lots of catty personalities. About 30 seconds in, T declared that he could not stand Christian. I had to laugh. Not that T's homophobic or anything, but I think there's something about people who are so stereotypically "flaming" that really bothers him. Well, and Christian's ridiculous haircut and cocky attitude didn't really help matters.

It's still too early for me to pick a favorite just yet, but I think Rami has a lot of potential.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Right now, I like Chris and Rami. They obviously kept the crazy one (she made the dress that was pooing fabric) because she's crazy. I thought Christian's outfit sucked and I too immediately hated him. His hair is horrible.