Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I miss Conesy

Just for giggles, I decided to try to watch Jimmy Fallon last night. I've never been a huge fan of his (he's always been a little bit too smug with his own cuteness), but I figured, what the heck, why not? I made it through the opening monologue, and a couple bits, but fell asleep before the first guest, Robert DeNiro.

Here's a review from Yahoo that I think sums it up pretty nicely. I'm really hoping he finds his stride fast because as a night owl, I'm really going to miss having Conan around. Yeah yeah, he's still going to be on, but I'm just not sure it'll be the same.

Oh, I will say, I think it's pretty sweet and badass that Fallon got the Roots as his houseband. Although I have to wonder what the heck they're getting out of it?

As if to drive the point home though, Conan did this little bit for the opening of Jimmy's show. I like the crack about crappy guests. Hee.

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